Thursday 26 April 2012

A very special friend

By the end of this post, the person to whom this one is dedicated might be furious at me but that's what her quality is. She has been furious at me many times but (I think) she never mean it, unless I did something silly.

It's been more than 2 years now that we have been talking, before that it was just normal cousins' chat where I was always shy to talk to her. Somehow, it turned into a friends' chat while I made the effort always. She has always been sarcastic and gotta say it, I've enjoyed it many times because there was someone who stood up against me while I drowned others with my sarcasm.

In the past 2 years, whenever I had something to share about, I've always ran to her. Intentionally or unintentionally, she has listened to all the blabbering I had to offer, only to tell me in the end that either I was wrong or she can't help me. She has been there to listen to me after I had a broken heart and all the respect I gave to that person.

We have been arguing since day one. We never have a same opinion, about anything. These arguments end up with us either having a fight or me surrendering. I so wish that I win an argument one day :p She has also used my name as a 'swear word' with her best friend but still I don't feel bad about it because the honour she has given me, is enough to eclipse all those negative things. My name has been written in her journal and that is enough for me to forget whatever she has done.

While she always tried to ignore me, she has done some things for me that she might never know. Because of her, I have really started talking to people. Her non contribution in the chat has taught me how to carry on chatting with someone. I've bored her many times but still she has been there. She has helped me improve my English a lot and the most interesting part, she once taught me how to flirt as I was totally naive in that department :D She was the person who introduced me to blogging and giving me confidence that I can write too. Because of this blogging, I'm now a head of features at KarchiTips and people are now actually taking my advice on how do I manage to keep my blog updated.

I don't call her, I regard her as my best friend but she has never. She has always said that people from opposite gender can never be best friends. I don't know what's the logic behind it. I have been complaining about her always being rude to me but on the other hand, I've never stood back in pissing her off. I have done a prank on her and deliberately pissed her off many times, just to enjoy the respect I receive in return. Even though I was agreeing at some point, I put the counter argument just to make her angry.

I did something last year that saw me remove her from Facebook and we did not talk for around 3 months. How badly I missed her that I know but it was a punishment and I truly deserved it. I had to do it some day, just the timing was wrong from me I guess. Since then, I have been trying to make up for my mistake. We have been talking on Facebook messages but she is never ready to add me back. Itni saza to PM ko bhi nahin mili yaar. 

I just know a fact that she is never like this. There is a soft person that lives inside her, an emotional girl who cries when Pakistan cricket team lose. This rude side of her, is only reserved for me and I'm totally happy with it because I know she has never meant it. She was, is and will forever be a very special friend for me :)

p.s. Once again, I'm sorry for what I did last week and for what I did last year too. I regret doing it but it was necessary at that stage.


  1. Do I need to say anything else?

  2. You've observed quite a lot. Looks like you're obsessed with me or something O.O
    On another note, it's not bad. You still need to work on your grammar :P

  3. You can expect grammatical mistakes from the person who received 66 in O levels English :)
    And you know I'm not like those who are really obsessed with you :P

  4. Not at all! Because those people haven't dedicated blogs to me :)
