Thursday 23 February 2012

Weirdness with a message

As the title says it, this is one weird post. It is not planned, I'll just write what will come to my mind as I type. May be some tweets, some quotes, music, movies or anything else, this one could contain anything. I was getting bored and I don't know why I didn't have a topic for a blog post. Warning again, this will be one way ward post, so you can still close the tab :p
I'm still unable to get a topic, Any ways, I'm starting now. Someone says that blogging is to write out feelings inside your heart, let's see if at the end of this I'm able to write out what is inside my heart. Just between this, I've decided to redesign the appearance of my blog. Be back later with the new design xD

Arrghhh... Never managed to do it, I want some new fonts but they are all boring or either girly :/ I want to change the background too but did not find a good pic of Pakistani Cricket team celebrating. On the other hand, my media player has gone from its usual 'sad' mode to the extreme sad, i.e., 'crying' mode. I'm too lazy to compile up a playlist and as a result, it just played this song...

If you're still reading this post, I want to give you an standing ovation because I don't think someone will still be reading this pointless stuff after listening to such a sad song (or you didn't even bother clicking at the video, eh?)
Moving on, this past week was great besides the fact that Pakistan Cricket team was brutally beaten by England. It was supposed to be the week when I had to start studying full time, although I started but it never happened as I thought it would be. I've registered myself for AS level Accounts and haven't yet looked at the book, in fact I haven't yet bought it. On another hand, I think it's safe to say that I have made another very good friend in my KT partner, Ayela. Some things are just meant to happen, aren't they? :p (we are yet to debate on this though about who made this DIALOGUE public :D) On a serious note, she is a wonderful person. All the discussions with her about Sega, some people and some of my personal stuff, I have enjoyed every bit of it. Ayela, I hope you rapidly recover fully, have all that you have been craving for since your illness and wish you lots of good luck in advance for your exams :)

Next up, Twitter. As the newbies say it, I don't get it, I said it too at the start but now, I absolutely LOVE it. As everyone makes mistakes, I did too by following some fangirls and still have to cope up with them because I want to get to 150 followers by the day I complete an year on Twitter. I've already crossed 9000 tweets (I wonder how do I tweet this much) and now moving on towards my target to reach 15000 tweets by the end of this year. Despite all these fangirls, I have some great followers and people on Twitter. It is fun having little chats with them and that is the reason why I have switched on my another sim, just to keep tweeting when I'm not on the PC. It is really fun there. If you have an account on twitter and is not yet following me, have a look on the left side, you'll find a quick link to follow me.

Last but never ever the least, I want to share a little message with you. We use the word 'rape' a lot of time while joking about someone getting battered but for once, spare a thought about people (usually women) who have been through this brutal act. It takes a lot to move on from one incident when it is so much depressing like the one mentioned and when we name it, please think how do they feel. It might be humour for you but if it had happened with one of your family member or close relative? Think about it and 'rape' is not a single word, there are a lot of synonyms available. Stop being a 'keyboard warrior' and spend the free time you waste on internet for some good. Thanks.

Say NO to Rape Jokes !!!

Btw, here's a new quote by me :p
Let the tensions hit you as much as they can. Chocolate is the best shield easily available out there :)

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