Friday 23 December 2011


While standing in front of a hospital  window enjoying the cool breeze, I thought of this post. Well its just a pointless post and I've no idea what I'll be writing. So as I continued enjoying the breeze, I was thinking about all the things I've heard and read about love, people being cheated or used for someone's purpose and then they are left sad, thinking about it all the night, listening to sad songs and doing things like their world has ended. Most of them are the friendships over the internet, they've never met each other and within months of talking, they think they are in love. Same goes for the SMS people, they somehow exchange numbers and within 2 to 3 months, they think they love each other.

On the contrary, there are people like me, who waste years on the person they have a crush on, because they are just too afraid to tell them about their feelings and wait for a better moment. Well, that being said, dude that moment will never come and you'll keep waiting for your entire life. What I've learned is that just do it. Don't think about the consequences or anything else, because if you don't do it now, you'll regret it for your lifetime !!

Back to the first one , this virtual love is mostly seen between teenagers who are yet to reach puberty and some grown ups who for the first time starts talking to a girl. You better spend something and go out with your partner and know them completely, this SMS or MSN won't work. Even if you do carry on for long term, there'll be one day when one of you will say 'you are not that old ****** now, I loved him/her.'

Advice: Please don't tame the beauty of the word 'Love' with your childish behaviour, the quantity of people is very scarce who knows what TRUE LOVE is !! 

I tried to keep this post serious but I think I failed because I've been turned into a Joker because of some people's love for good sense of humour.

p.s. All these analysis were done after solving atleast 5 relationship problems and because of that, never had time for myself to be indulged in one :P Forever Single B-)

1 comment:

  1. :-) i loved the PS part.
    I would say life is craziest thing and Love is very important factor in it. Never give up, always move on.
