Saturday 31 December 2011

English got raped !!!

Hell yeah !!! When it comes to English pronunciations, we Pakistanis are master at raping them. Following are some examples of awkward pronunciations we do, mostly always.

Cricket = Kir kit
Biscuit = Bis kut
America = Amreeka
People = Peepal
Clear =  Kill-yer
Corn = Caarn
School = Sakool (mostly in Punjab)
Birthday = Bud day
Test = Taste
Manchester = Min Chaaster
Time = Tame
Very = Vary
Follow = Fallow (if you're on Twitter and following TheMeeraJee, you might be well aware of it)
Pronunciation = ProNOUNciation
Tell = Tale
Ball = Baal
Football = Fit Baal
Hockey = Haackey (mostly by old people)
Chocolate = Chaacklate
New Year = Noo Yer
Happy = Hay P
Hello = Hail O
Pizza = Peeza
Record = Re-cord or Re-card
Chicken = Chick-un
Cracker = Cray kar
Ladies = Lad-ice
Clinic = Clay-nic
Aunty = Aanti
Brush = Bee-roosh
Wednesday = Wed-nes-day
Stand = Stained
Jealous = Jay-lus
Bag = Baig
Gap = Gape
Fan = Fane
Fade = Fad
Pressure = Pray-shure
Customer = Custoomer
Order = Aarder
Gas = Gase
Irritate = Arritate
Racket = Ray Kit
Ready = Reddy
Film = Filum/ Filim
Colony = Kaa-loony or Koo-lony
Cost = Coast

To be honest, we are proud of ourselves !! At least we don't fake an accent (unless someone is a BURGER), we have an accent of our own and we proudly use it !!

May you all have a Vary Hay P Noo Yer :)

p.s. More words will be added to the list as I hear anyone using them. Bookmark the link of the post to keep updated :p