Tuesday 3 April 2012

How times change

More than half a decade ago, it was this day ( I started writing it on 30th march -__-) or around it that I received my results of class 8th. Despite being first in the first term and because of some lack of concentration, I received 84% marks which were too enough to send me to Science group of 9th class and chose whatever I liked. The sad part of it (as sadness has always been linked with my life) was that I was never appreciated by my parents for those results. As I'm a huge fan of chocolate, my mother had brought a kit kat but it was never given to me as I got the third position in the class....

Two days ago, my brother received his results for class 8th. He managed to get the percentage required to be eligible to get Science group but there was I, all day, thinking about if I had been on his place. What had happened if I had received marks like him. Tell you what, I had been greeted with a slap in front of whole school and then had been beaten all the way to home like a drum. I'd have been dictated to not set a foot outside for Cricket and my game console had been packed up.

On the other hand, it was like a party at my place when my brother came home with his results. Mom was bragging about it with all her family and my brother was asking for gifts for the feat he had achieved and I was just sitting there thinking about all the things discussed in the above paragraph......

Kya yeh khula tazaad nahin?


  1. This is just the disadvantage of being the eldest, I guess. The same happens with me and my sister.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.
